Training Tips: 6 Push-Up Variations You've Never Tried - T Nation

6 Push-Up Variations You've Never Tried | T Nation.

Somehow an awful lot of people/writers/coaches/enthusiasts with a forum have a penchant for stating the obvious about things we've been doing for a long time.

This contribution by Joel Seedman however helps to break that mold a little. This is a follow up to an excellent article you can find here wherein he challenges our thinking on the correct push up technique.

Self Disclosure Warning: my shoulders will be lifting a forkful of birthday cake to my mouth for the 53rd time later this year, which I believe makes my shoulders 106 years old...One of them has been overhauled and the other has a torn rotator cuff muscle.

Seedman's rotational approach to push ups is making a lot of sense to my thinking and my shoulders.

Give this a shot and give us some feedback when you have a minute.